Joe McKamey

Joe McKamey has been the General Manager at Marcrom’s Pharmacy in Manchester, Tenn. for 17 years. He has been married to his wife Sarah for 23 years and has two sons, Eli (19) and Micah (16).

While he is not a pharmacist, Joe is hands on and deeply involved in day-to-day operations. Ray Marcrom, the owner of Marcrom’s Pharmacy, states that Joe grasped the “business” and “big picture” of pharmacy faster than any non-pharmacist he had ever encountered. He created a weight loss program recognized by Cardinal Health, Pharmacy Times and many other local and regional outlets.

Joe has spoken on several occasions about the importance of engaging patients/customers via technology and social media. He believes in a three-legged stool concept to keep patients, employees, and the business all in balance. It is this concept that has driven him to make sure the business will exist long term for the patients and the employees. He is constantly on the lookout for programs, concepts and even other synergistic business opportunities that can benefit his patients, employees and community.